About Nizy


Loves to meditate, talk and share. Values family and friends. I find nature, writing and music very soothing. I am a simple individual who looks for the positive in every person.


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” I LOVE to love and be loved in return,  my family is the center of my life and happiness. I love my life, I love my tribe, I love God.”

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10 more facts about me:

*I love gardening.
*I am incredibly low maintenance. ( I’m not obsessed of any expensive stuff. If I do have one then ”HINATAG NA.”)
*I don’t like spending money and I prefer dates that are free/clever/cheap.
*I like giving quirky gifts, and making silly cards and other things.
*I’m incredibly thoughtful. 
*I enjoy cooking, I will cook you anything you want.
*I love animals and I do love children too.
*I will write you lots and lots and lots and lots of poems. 
*I respect every human being. 
*I love making people laugh and make them feel valued.

65 comments on “About Nizy

  1. THANKS for subscribing to my “pun-ny” photoblog! I hope I can bring you a smile (or at least a groan) every weekday! I am a Christian, so I applaud the focus of your blog.

    I used to collect ASCII Art but haven’t seen any in YEARS! The one of the girl is the finest example of ASCII Art I have EVER seen.

    –John R.: http://TheDailyGraff.com

  2. Hi Nizy! Found you at JustinaWei’s blog site and thought I’d check yours out. Glad I did. 🙂 It’s nice to find another kababayan here. 🙂 Will be coming back and reading more. Happy Sunday.

  3. Hi Nizy! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I enjoyed looking through yours as well and look forward to following to read more! Thanks!

  4. Hello Nizy! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st. — Sebastian

    • Hello Sebastian, I’m glad you like my blog and I welcome you to my journey. You have a lovely blog yourself and I’m going to browse around more after this 🙂 God Bless you always and have a wonderful day- Nizy

  5. Pingback: We are all Beautiful, Inspiring, and Appreciated Bloggers! « Grandmother Musings

  6. I’ve nominated you for The Reader Appreciation Award… Check out my blog for deets! Thanks for all your support 🙂

    Happy Writing, Reading, and Loving!

    ~ C

  7. loved the words… my family is the centre of my life & happiness… thats d best understanding in life…. fmly should b the best support & top priority… ‘coz that only will persist!!

    & you have a wonderful blog!! so will b visiting more!!



  8. Hi Nizy!
    I enjoy reading your stories and looking at your pictures especially on how you reinvent yourself. Love your idea! Well, I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. I hope this will be a wonderful news for you. To see more about the award and this nomination, please visit my post at
    Congratulations and all the best to you!

  9. Hello Nizy,

    I would like to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. Also, I would like to thank you because you continue following my blog. I hope my short stories and poetry do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride.

    Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  10. Hello Nizy (what a name – it’s so neat!…and nice ;-)),
    Mom and I wanted to stop by and say, “Hi” and “Thank you so much for following us!” Your personality shines through so brilliantly; we can see why your name is ‘nice’. We pray that you continue to visit us and that you and your family and tribe will be blessed beyond measure.

    Blessings in Christ Jesus,
    Ma Chris and Rebecca 🙂

Your comments and feedback are welcomed and appreciated! Hope you stay along for the journey! God Bless♀