Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh from the package (A Blissful Surprise)


#CouchSlingBag #SallyHansenNailPolishes #FashionNecklaces #FashionEarings



On a warm summer Saturday nearer towards the end of noon. Someone knocked on my door. It was as if a comet fell from the sky when I saw the package and it widen my eye. She must have been an angel sent from above heaven.

And yes, this may sound cliché but I’m too joyous on this day where my walls were all torn down.  The point is, my Grandma just passed away last week. She was my stronghold, my adviser, my cheer leader my EVERYTHING. I love her more than I could ever imagine. She’s been one of my inspirations… one of the reasons why I strive to survive-I dreamt to give her a better life. I want her to live like a real queen. And because of her demise, the whole truth of the world for me has just been changed. Like my vision has suddenly changed. So I am broken. I am smiling but my heart is bleeding.

 I reminded myself  since eight that losing  someone you love the most doesn’t get easier, I  should only learn to accept and live without them. I convinced myself that times like this, it’s hard to be strong especially if you lost someone dear to you, but you must continue to live to make them even more proud as they watch over you.

Then, last night I prayed to God that tomorrow, I will create a new perspective in life for those dear to me that are still alive, everything will be alright, and that I will wake up with warm delight. I guess, my instinct was right!  As what I’ve mentioned earlier, someone just sent her love and care, she truly is a rare jewel. I tell you, it’s true! Good things do come when you least expect it! And happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Endless thanks to my grade 1 teacher, my aunt, my friend, my mentor for this wonderful presents!


Auntie Stella

Remember, no matter how dark the night, the sun will always rise! 


Day 51 – Something passed down from your parents/grandparents

I got it from my father

It was all he had to give

So it’s mine to use and cherish

For as long as I may live


If I lost the things he gave me

It can always be replaced

But a big mark on my name

Can never be erased


It was clean the day I took it

And a worthy name to bear

When he got it from his father

There was no dishonor there


So I make sure to guard it wisely

After all is said and done

I am glad the name is spotless

And I am proud to be from the ENOK clan.


Day 44 – A hobby of yours

Hmmm… I feel like I have answered this question before but it wasn’t asked this way. Anyhow, I have several favorite hobbies but if I have to pick the most favorite it is travelling and the outdoors. I love going out to the beach with friends but haven’t done it much lately. Here is a sneak peek of my Mayumi/Panabo escapade with my jologs amoma family last year…

 I wish I could travel around the world with them. They’re always in my heart, that’s for sure!


Quote to remember:

“If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I’ll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I’ll be your smile… But anytime you need a friend, I’ll just be me.”

 Jologs Amoma Family

Day 24 – A picture of your favorite memory


I hate when I’m asked to pick my favorite memory. It’s tough to pick just one. But being with my family is my most favorite memory!

A picture says a thousand words, right?

I simply love them  so much. They are my hidden treasure that I keep locked deep within the storehouse of my soul. They keep my heart warm when I am lonely. They are like a blanket that keeps me warm in a lone cold starry night. When I  look up at the glittery stars and remember those forgotten smile. Then it dawns on me, that the blanket itself has many memories woven into threads. All these threads of small memories suddenly sum up moments of laughter, tears, pride and joy in my life.

Virtuous Woman

Virtuous Woman.

Virtuous Woman serves God with all of her heart,

She seeks His will for her life and follows His ways.

Virtuous Woman respects her husband,

 She does him good all the days of her life.

She is trustworthy and a helpmeet in many ways.

 Virtuous Woman teaches her children,

the ways of her Father in heaven.

 She nurtures her children with the love of Christ,

disciplines them with care and wisdom,

and trains them in the way according to God.

 Virtuous Woman cares for her body,

 She prepares healthy food for her family.

 Virtuous Woman serves her husband, her family, her friends,

and her neighbors with a gentle and loving spirit.

She is charitable not only for herself but for those who needs help.

Virtuous Woman seeks her husband’s approval,

 before making purchases and spends money wisely.

She is careful to purchase of any quality items which is best for her family needs.

 Virtuous Woman works willingly with her hands.

She sings praises to God and does not grumble while completing her tasks.

 Virtuous Woman is a homemaker.

She creates an inviting atmosphere of warmth and love for her family and guests.

She uses hospitality to minister to those around her.

 Virtuous Woman uses her time wisely.

She works diligently to complete her daily tasks.

 She does not spend time dwelling on those things that do not please the Lord.

Virtuous Woman is a woman of worth and beauty.

She has the inner beauty that only comes from Christ.

I know this virtuous woman is watching over us,

She’s now with Christ in heaven and l miss her so so bad.