Lord We Need You

Eternal God, whose mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us, and increase your mercy in us that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence, submit ourselves to your Holy Will, which is love and mercy itself. Father God, Help my dear friend Kimmy. Help her dog Harley to fight and win her battle against her illness. Give her the strength she needs to gain back her life and joy. She has such a nice joy for Kimmy. Please take away her sickness and pain. Give her strength and health Lord. She needs it, She deserves her peace and to be without pain. Help her to get better or make it painless for her… and Kimmy. May everything we do, begin with your inspiration, continue with your help, and reach perfection under your guidance. I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives, and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. From all my heart I thank You Oh Lord. Amen.

Lord Protect My Nation

O heavenly Father, our Protector and Guide, You are the greatest friend and joy that we have. I come to you Lord to ask for your protection. It is not for me that I want to pray today, Dear Father, but for those who are near and dear to me and about whom I am worrying. You know what they are facing, dear Father. Almighty God, I raise my heart to You in gratefulness, for the wonders of creation of which we are part, for Your providence in sustaining us in our needs, and for Your wisdom that guides the course of the universe. I acknowledge our sins against You and the rest of your creation. We have not been good keepers of nature. We have tangled Your command to subdue the earth. And now we reap the harvest of our abuse and indifference. Global warming is upon us. Typhoons, flood and other natural calamities occur in the increasing number and intensity. We turn to you our loving Father, and beg for forgiveness for our shortcomings. We ask that we, our loved ones and our hard-earned possessions be spared from the threat of calamities, natural and man-made. Protect my fellow Filipinos from this calamity that they are facing today. Forgive them their sins and put love of others in their hearts. Lord, I deeply pray for the safety and protection of all people in the Philippines. Father lay your hands on them. May you give them strength and courage in times of this. May you shower your mercy upon them. Keep them safe from harm Oh God. I pray this prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ Your one and only Son who died and rose again for remission of sin, I bind, rebuke and render powerless: all division, discord, disunity, strife, wrath, murder, criticism, condemnation, pride, envy, jealously, gossip, evil speaking, complaining, lying, false teaching, false gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, poverty, fear of lack, witchcraft spirits, spirits of antichrist and all familiar and territorial spirits. I claim a hedge of protection, by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Amen

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Now the light has gone away Father God listen to me while I pray.  I adore you, my Holy God, and I love you with all my heart. I thank you for having created me, for having made me a Christian, and for having preserved me this day. Pardon me for my wrongdoings today. If I have done anything good, be pleased to accept it Oh Lord. Protect me while I take my rest and deliver me from all dangers. May your grace be always with me and may your guidance be with my friends, relatives and family. Bless and protect the Philippines and  United States , protect your people all around the world. Our loving and most gracious God, Please bless and guard your Israel, guide and protect  your children who live there. Our God, the life of all who live, the light of all the faithful, the strength of those who labor, I thank you for all the blessings and I humbly ask for your protection and guidance though the coming night. Bring us in safety to the morning hours; through him who died and raised again for us, your Son our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. Amen

Thank You Heavenly Father!

A Morning is a wonderful blessing, either cloudy or sunny. It stands for hope and thanksgiving. Yes! sunshine dancing on my shoulder, grasses are so  green today no dusts on my feet. Some white petals on the ground so lovely and wonderful.

Dear God,

Thank you for the clouds in the sky, and the rainbows I can see.  Thank you for the green grass and the flowers and the trees.  Thank you, God, for this world and all that you have made for me.  I thank you Good Lord for keeping me through the night and waking me with the morning light. You know, Lord, sometimes when I’m sad I do things that I shouldn’t.  Please forgive me when I do something I know is not right. Father God, bless this voice that let me sing songs of praise to you.  Thank you for helping me to remember to use my voice to say nice things to my family and to all my friends. Bless the people who take care of me, love me and to those who persecute me.  Thank you for watching over all of us today and through the night.  Help me, Lord, to love you more than I have ever loved you before. In my life and in my play be with me throughout my day, Thank you, God, for everything you do for me.  I love you,  Heavenly Father! Amen.

Someone That Makes Me Feel So Special


Yes, I am feeling happy and contentedly attached to the one who created me. Early this morning I meditated on His word  to  tell Him that I need His infinite compassion to awaken me from my slumbering life. I know my heart‘s cry will reach His palace,  My  prayer will knock at His heavenly door, He will open it and ask me what I need. When I meditate on His word, I empty my heart. When my heart is empty, my eternal father/friend comes in and sits on His throne inside the very depths of my heart. In the innermost recesses of my heart His life of infinite concern, compassion, love and blessings abide. My Eternal father/friend listens and fulfills my prayer. When I meditate, He comes in and fulfills my inner need. When I pray, I talk and He listens to me. When I meditate, He talks and I listen to Him. This is how we converse. My prayer and my meditation are of paramount importance in my life of aspiration, dedication and I surrender to the will of my Heavenly Father.

I need myself this moment to fulfill my countless, teeming desires. But when my desires are not fulfilled and when I realise that I do not have the capacity to fulfill them, I feel that I do not need this earthly existence. I want to discard this body-consciousness, for this body consciousness does not give me an iota of satisfaction. We work, we serve, we pray, we meditate each moment in conscious dedication, and the result of this dedication takes the outer form of either success or failure. But when we go deep within, we feel that there is no such thing as success or failure. We see everything as an experience that has come to us in the march of expansion. Finally, we realise that even this experience is not our dominion. It is actually God‘s aquaintance, for He is the doer, He is the action and He is the fruit thereof.

Regardless of our inability to remain faithful His love never lessens or waivers. I often take for granted God who is responsible for all good and great things. There have been people in my life that I have impacted in a positive way and ones that I have not. To the latter, I’m sorry. I find peace in God’s forgiveness of me even though I can’t always forgive myself. I am grateful that I strive to serve an understanding God.  I love and am thankful for the friends He has placed in my life. I can truly say that I have the world’s largest family. I know that in every Christian’s walk there are times we fall. Don’t get down on yourself. We all do it. Just know that God understands and can’t wait for you to get back up.

I am a sinner just like you. In God’s eyes I can only be described as a beautiful mess. I am not perfect or in any grand fashion do I resemble Christ, throughout my time as a Christian I wasn’t always one. Many time my actions, thoughts, words, and emotions have not represented the God that I proclaim to serve or love with every ounce of my being.  Many times I have forgotten what God has done for us. But  every time I am having a conversation with Him, I feel that He loves me infinitely more than I love myself. When sometimes fear, doubt, and anxiety assail my life of aspiration, when I cherish and treasure limitation, bondage, ignorance and death, My Heavenly Father, loves me still. I feel that I am great in His eyes. Either way, every time I turn around, God is still there watching over me as He watches over you.