How many times do I have forgive?

As believers, we will never experience joy-filled, victorious lives unless we are ready to forgive people. This is something we are going to have to do frequently, and according to Matthew 18:21-22, even repeatedly. The Lord tells us plainly in the Bible that if we will not forgive other people for the wrong things they have done against us, then God will not forgive the wrong things we have done against Him. See Matthew 6:14-15.
What kind of condition would we be in if God refused to forgive us? We could not possible have a proper relationship with Him. Everything in our lives would be stopped up. We like to think that we can stay angry with other people and yet go to God and receive forgiveness for our sins. But the Lord tells us in the Bible that this is not so.

Jesus taught us to pray,” And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven ( left, remitted, and let go of the debts, and have given up resentment against) our debtors” Matthew 6:12. God is a God of mercy, and this issue of forgiveness is very important to Him. He tells us repeatedly in His Word that if we want mercy, we have to give mercy.

In Matthew 18:21-22, Peter asked Jesus how many times he had to forgive his brother,” up to seven times?” Jesus” answer was not seven times, but seventy times that many.

I do not know about you, but I am glad God does not put a limit on how many times He will forgive us. How many of us have done the same wrong thing at least seventy times seven, and God has still forgiven us for it? We are willing to keep taking and taking forgiveness from God, but it is amazing how little we want to extend forgiveness to others. We freely accept mercy, yet it is surprising how rigid, legalistic, and merciless we can be toward others, especially if they have wronged us in some way. Yet the Bible says that the debt we owe God is much greater than any debt anyone may owe us.  Let us always remember how great God’s generosity is, especially in the area of forgiveness. Aim to forgive others as quickly, as often, and as generously as God forgives us.

”Sometimes forgiving someone can be very difficult, especially if that person has repeatedly hurt or offended us. Is there someone in your life you are having a hard time forgiving? Remember the gracious gift of God’s forgiveness to you. As you have received forgiveness, you are called to extend forgiveness to others. Ask God to help you forgive as you have been forgiven”

Let’s always pay an  attention to the message of the bible!

Forgive and you will be forgiven

Don’t waste time onto anger toward someone who has done against you. Forgive that person today. God knows our situation and He has still called us to forgive, no matter the circumstances. Nobody is perfect, everyone needs to be forgiven. Do not stand in the way of your own relationship with God by denying forgiveness to someone else.

Yes! Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, because hate in your heart will devour you too. We should learn to FORGIVE. We don’t have to like them, we do not have to be friends with them, and we do not have to send them hearts in text messages or give them kiss when we see them, but we have  to overlook, to forget, to forgive them through  prayer. Because if we don’t we are tying rocks to our feet, too much for our shoulders to carry.

Not to forgive is to be imprisoned by the past, by old grievances that do not permit life to proceed with your new existence. Not to forgive is to yield oneself to another’s control, to be locked into a sequence of act and response, of outrage and revenge, and escalating always. The present is endlessly overwhelmed and devoured by the past. Forgiveness frees the forgiver. It extracts the forgiver from someone else’s nightmare.

The willingness to forgive is a sign of spiritual and emotional maturity. It is one of the great virtues to which we all should aspire. Imagine a world occupied with individuals willing both to apologize and to accept an apology, is there any problem that could not be solved among people who possessed the humility and largeness of spirit and soul to do either or both when needed? Repent, then, forgive so that you will be forgiven. It may not change how you feel about what they did, but it will change you.  Forgiveness frees the forgiver! 

Whenever I’m upset , I read passages that offer biblical guidance on forgiveness and how important it is to forgive others as we have been forgiven by the blood of Christ. Here they are, I will share ’em with you too.

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Isaiah 43:25-26

“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.  Review the past for me, let us argue the matter together; state the case for your innocence.

Isaiah 1:18

“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

Acts 3:19

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Hebrews 10:17

Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”

Ephesians 1:7

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.

Colossians 1:13-14

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,  in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Daniel 9:9

The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him.

Matthew 6:9-15

“This, then, is how you should pray: ” ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,  your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. ‘  For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Matthew 26:28

This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

Mark 11:25

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. “

Numbers 14:19-21

In accordance with your great love, forgive the sin of these people, just as you have pardoned them from the time they left Egypt until now.”  The LORD replied, “I have forgiven them, as you asked.  Nevertheless, as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the LORD fills the whole earth.

Colossians 1:13-14

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,  in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Psalm 103:12

as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
[ Disclaimer: I do not claim any ownership of  the shared  video. This is not intended to infringe upon the rights of the owner(s).]

What I Believe , ” The Thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.”

What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences. We create the situations, and then we give our power away by blaming other person for our frustration. No person, no place, and no thing has any power over us, for ”we” are the only thinker on it. When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.
We are each responsible for all of our experiences. Every thought we think is creating our future. The point of power is always in the present moment. Everyone suffers from self-hatred and guilt. The bottom line for everyone is, ” I’m not good enough.” It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed. Resentment, criticism, and guilt are the most damaging patterns. Releasing resentment will dissolve even cancer. We must release the past and forgive everyone. We must be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves and to others. Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the keys to positive changes. When we really love others as we love ourselves, everything in our life works. Au revoir , tout le monde 😉 This is my last piece for today.  Je vous aime tous!

Letting Go Of The Past

Ephesians 4:31-32 ”Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. ”

Many people come to me and say they cannot enjoy today because of something that happened in the past.Because they did not do something or do it in a certain way in the past, they cannot live a full life today. Because they no longer have something they had in the past, they cannot enjoy today. Because they were hurt in the past, they will not accept love now. Because something unpleasant happened when they did something once, they are sure it will happen again today. Because they once did something that they are sorry for, they are sure they are bad people forever. Because once someone did something to them, it is now all the person’s fault that their life is not where they want it to be. Because they became angry over situation in the past, they will hold on to that self-righteousness. Because of some very old experience where they were treated badly, they will never forgive and forget.

  • Because I disappointed my parents, I will be loser forever.
  • Because I am no longer married, I cannot live a full life today.
  • Because I was hurt by a remark once, I will never trust anyone again.
  • Because I stole something once, I must punish myself forever.
  • Because I was poor as a child, I will never get anywhere.

What we often refuse to realize is that holding on to the past no matter what it was or how awful it was is ONLY HURTING US. They really don’t care. Usually they are not even aware. We are only hurting ourselves by refusing to live in this moment to the fullest.
The past is over and done and cannot be changed. This is the only moment we can experience. Even when we lament about the past, we are experiencing our memory of it in this moment, and losing the real experience of this moment on the process.
Let us now clean up the past in our minds. Release the emotional attachment to it. Allow the memories to be just memories. If you think back to what you used to were. It’s just a memory. It can be the same for all of the past events in our lives. As we let go, we become free to use of our mental power to enjoy this moment and to create a great future.
List all the things you are willing to let go of. How willing are you to do this? Notice your reactions. What will you have to do to  these things go? How willing are you to do so? What is your resistance level?
Next step, forgiveness. Ask forgiveness to our Mentor who art in heaven, forgiveness of ourselves and of others releases us from the past. The course in miracles says over and over that forgiveness is the answer to almost everything. I know that when we are stuck, it usually means there is some more forgiving to be done.
When we do not flow freely with life in the present moment, it usually means we are holding on to a past moment. It can be regret, sadness, hurt, fear, or guilt, blame, anger, resentment, and sometimes even the desire for revenge. Each one of these states comes from a space of unforgiving, a refusal to let go and come into the present moment. LOVE is always the answer to healing of any sort. And the pathway to love is forgiveness.

Mark 11:25 ”And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”