Day 32 – Something you collect

I started collecting cosmetics just this year. Whenever I go, I am always looking for cosmetics in some way shape or form. I love makeup – la!  I need it to look  like human! So, here is my collection and how I store it.

Anyhow, I too love collecting BOOKS

I have plenty of  books and haven’t even read all of them. I simply do not have enough time to read when I’ve got all this work to do on my laptop. Well anyway, my dream is to one day have a library in my own little sweet home. Hey! a girl can dream right?

16 comments on “Day 32 – Something you collect

  1. I collect travel and adventure books. Where I live it may snow so much in the winter, no one goes to school or work for a day or two- a good day to stay inside where it is warm and read a good book.

    • Wow! travel and adventure books are some cool stuff to collect. Travel books provide a lot of information about where to go, what to see, and what to expect in a different city or culture.

  2. I too am a sucker for makeup; I have more than I can use, especially seeing how most days I simply use mascara (Maybalene Royal Blue). But there is something about all those colors that draw me in. My daughter collects books (I only collect the ones that I read over and over). She has books everywhere. She is a book snob, only buys hardbacks and most of them are very old or classics – she is a literature major.
    But I am interested in you hundred day photo challenge. Is this something you set for yourself or is it from some other source?

    • Hi Darla, thanks for stepping by. Yes me too. I started wearing make up when I was 21, late starter to the world of cosmetics. I’d never been interested in it before as had acne and wouldn’t wear make up for fear of irritating my skin further. I began with foundation and mascara and slowly added eye liner, blush, powder, lip liner, etc over the years. I am more comfortable with myself if I’ve got some make-up on but it doesn’t need to be much. I really don’t mind going out without make-up on either. Anyways, I set this 100 photo Challenge for myself. I hope you too can make it yourself. It’s really fun.

    • Hi Eco, Nice to hear that! Collecting books is fun and can be easy and inexpensive. You should try scouring garage sales, poking around in thrift stores and library book sales can be very exciting, especially when you come across a rare find, there’s nothing more thrilling. Whether you collect books all by the same author, collect books on a specific subject or interest, or a group of books from a series, they’ll provide you with hours of enjoyment 🙂

  3. Reading is one of my passions!!!! I love to read! I have a lot of books I haven’t read yet either lol! I’ll pick up a book from a yard sale or my MIL gives me a few here and there and they stack up. I do admit that I have a few favorites that I reread while I have others that are just waiting for me to crack them open. It all depends on what kind of mood I’m in. I read on break at work and sometimes before bed. I wish I had more time for reading though. I miss when I was back in High School I would read 2 or 3 books at a time. I just don’t have that kind of time now. At least I try to sneek in a page or two upon occasion.

  4. Great Cat! We have the same Passion! I always love reading ”,) But due to my busy life now I can’t even read one. I hope I can sit on a sea shore and read my favorite book one day.

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